Immune System Boost

Published on by Canelle

Yes, my friends, we need to face the music : I had to wear a thin sweater this morning. And I live on the French Riviera. Which means some people are probably already dying up North under loads of freezing snow (that’s a really cold snow).

Winter is coming. And Jon Snow ain’t coming with it before next March *sigh* so we need to man up and protect ourselves until then. So today I present you the Immune System Boosting Water. You’re right, this is just water, with stuff in it. But it’s good. Both for your taste buds and for your health. And it can be declined into thousands of versions that I will probably share with you as well, because what’s cuter than a bunch of strawberries drowning in a mason jar full of water?

The recipe is so simple it is stupid, and it can be done in advance.

  • Chai Tea – infused to taste, and quantity depending on your thirst
  • 1 Cup Pineapple – and not “pinapple” as I wrote on IG
  • A Handful of Mint
Immune System BoostImmune System BoostImmune System Boost

If you're wondering how drinking this is going to help you survive until Jon Snow’s return, read below...

In addition to improving digestion, chai tea enhances the immune system, fights inflammation and has antioxidant properties. We even whisper that it has antibacterial and anti-cancer effects. All thanks to the powerful blend of tea (full of antioxydants), herbs and spices like ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, fennel, cloves… If you have the opportunity, do not forget to add some of those in your dishes as well!

Pineapples are abundant in Vitamin C (just one cup will cover your needs for the day!) which has a strong antioxidant effect. It is also a great source of bromelain (in the stem of core of the fruit) that helps digestion by breaking down the protein particles. It is therefore good for a natural detox through a healthy digestive system, and is also known for anti-inflammatory properties, anti-clotting properties. All in all, both Vitamin C and Bromelain help your immune system fight against microbial infections, colds, coughs and even sinusitis more effectively. I’m not giving any guarantee for pneumonia though.

As far as mint is concerned, did you ever realized that medicines use to unclog your red and runny nose smell like menthol? That’s because it is a natural decongestant that helps to break up phlegm and mucus. Mint is also a natural stimulant that will give you a much needed boost!

Let the water infuse in the fridge for at least 2 hours, up to one night. And enjoy a refreshing drink that will drive illness away! Just as it is or blended. Or blended with a few ice cubes for some extra freshness, but this is not ideal for a delicate stomach!

Immune System BoostImmune System Boost
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